(Public) CELT Teaching Symposium Learning Modules

CELT Teaching Symposium - Public

Welcome to the CELT Teaching Symposium Learning Modules (Public Version)


This is the public (year-round) version of our learning modules for the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Teaching Symposium. New faculty, staff and graduate students with a teaching role attend programming about teaching, student learning, and becoming familiar with the student support resources at ISU. Attendees learn how to prepare for the first week of class, as well as explore CELT’s services, resources, and professional development opportunities.

The  fall 1/2 day program occurs on  Tuesday the week before fall semester begins and the 2-hour Spring TA Teaching Seminar the Friday before spring semester. 

Questions? Contact celt@iastate.edu or view the CELT Teaching Symposium webpage.

Symposium Goals

  • To recognize the policies, practices and resources that effect teaching and learning at Iowa State University.
  • To explore common student issues, successes and various campus resources for students.
  • To discover the services, resources and development opportunities provided by CELT.

Quick shortcut links below:


Learning Modules and Resource Modules

Face-to-Face Program

How to Navigate

How to Succeed in this Course

Meet Your Facilitators


Structure of the Symposium

We use the flipped classroom teaching approach for the symposium in which the typical lecture and "homework" elements of a course are in reverse. To begin, you will engage in pre-symposium learning modules that have a video, supplemental resources, and takeaways or critical reflections. During our face-to-face program, you will apply what you recall by participating in small group discussions, solving scenarios, and active learning exercises to prepare you for your teaching role at ISU. To learn more about this teaching approach, via CELT's Blended Learning and the Flipped Classroom website.

What do you need to complete before attending the face-to-face program?

Your engagement in the learning modules will be instrumental to our face-to-face program; therefore, we ask that you complete them before it. The more that you are able to complete, the more you will be able to contribute to our face-to-face program. The resources you explore in both the learning modules and resource modules will help you, your teaching, your students, and Iowa State University.

Learning Modules and Resource Modules

There are two types of modules:

Learning Modules: Learning modules are instrumental to our face-to-face program; therefore, participants are asked to complete the assignment components (takeaways) prior to the face-to-face program. View the Learning Module List.

Resource Modules: These modules include symposium information, and teaching resources. The assignment components (takeaways) are optional. View the Resource Module List.

For additional details about the modules, view the Module Overview page.


If you have any questions or if you anticipate requesting a reasonable accommodations, email celt@iastate.edu or call 515-294-5357

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Course Summary:

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