Gradescope Homework (Varied Length)

Creating a Homework Assignment (Varied Length)

Gradescope offers varied length assignment grading when the answers for student work submitted may vary widely in both length and the actual answer. Although generally you will need to grade student submissions one-by-one, the rubric will allow faster grading. 

For homework where student responses tend to be long (a page or more in length) ask students to start each question on a new page to make grading more efficient.

1. Setting Up Your Homework Assignment

  1. Select the Assignment placeholder you created previously
  2. Select Load <Assignment Title> in a new window
  3. Select A new Gradescope assignment (if this is your first time creating) and click Link Assignment. 
  4. Select Homework/Problem Set from the assignment types.

2. Setting Your Homework Settings

  • Select the PDF of the homework problems you have created for your students to solve. 
  • (Optional) Choose whether to enable anonymous grading
  • Although it depends on your situation, in most instances you will select the radio button where the student will upload submissions.
  • Set the details of the release and due date, including a late due date. 
  • For submission type, choose Variable Length 
  • Determine whether you will create your rubric Before student submission or While grading submissions. 
  • When you are done, select Create Assignment. 

3. Create Your Gradescope Outline

  1. Select +New Question to enter a question name and create the region where students will enter their first question.
  2. In Points, type the point value.
  3. Add +New Questions for each question in your exam.
  4. When you are done, click Save Outline.


It is important to make clear to students that they should mark within the given region for the information to be captured by Gradescope. When possible, create boxes on your exam to indicate the area where students should type or write their answers.

4. Student Uploading of Homework Problems

Although scanning and/or uploading will be done by your students, there are a number of things you will need to do to ensure this step is successful. One important aspect to make students aware of is on a variable-length assignment that they will need to assign which pages go to which question. Students do not have to have all questions completed to upload an assignment to Gradescope.


  • Make sure you have provided instructions on how to upload a clear scan
  • Start with a practice exam to show students how to correctly get an effective high-fidelity scan.
  • Provide instructions in your course

5. Grading Using The Rubric

Once all students have uploaded their homework, you can begin grading student homework. If you haven't already created a rubric, you can do so while grading the very first assignment.